Monday 3 September 2012

Time is relative

It seems like this train journey has lasted an age. Just like our recent investigations we are constantly moving without getting anywhere, uncomfortable and overcharged for a beer and sandwich. It can't have been that long really, my new watch says its only been 6 hours...

Met an interesting sort in the bar. Usual stuff for me; got warned off an investigation, colleague was poisoned and a punch or two thrown about. Strange though that it was only a general warning, the guy didn't know why we were going to Florida. Then he threatens the Foundation, threatens Nancy, hands over the antidote and skips at the next station. No idea who he is but this Jonathan Ryan guy is definitely connected to all the craziness.

Oh yeah, one more thing. These scumbags, monsters and crooks can scheme all they want but...Do. Not. Threaten. My. Secretary.

A man with nothing to lose can be, well, unpredictable.